Homemade Slushie

Source: Wonder How To – Food Hacks
Click here to read about my experience making this recipe for my state meal challenge!
Servings: 2
Total time: ~3 hours
2 16-oz bottles Coca-Cola or other soda of choice, room temperature
- Shake your bottles of soda, then place in the middle of your freezer for about 3 hours. The time it takes to super-cool the soda depends on how crowded your freezer is. If there’s not a lot of room, it will freeze more quickly. You want to pull it from the freezer while it’s still liquid!
- Quickly unscrew the cap just enough to release a little pressure, then screw it on again and flip the bottle upside down, then upright again. This will cause the ice crystals to form throughout the bottle.
- Pour into a serving glass, and enjoy!